My Children In Need Idea

My Idea for Children In Need is a latest video.

And it's called 'Thomas and the Trucks - read by Justin P. Lees for Children In Need'.

Why did I decide to do this idea for Children In Need? Well, it's just something I've been thinking of doing for Children In Need.

Anyway, I made it on iMovie by filming me in front of a green screen and editing the book illustrations in behind me. Also, I added a ‘page turning transition’ between the illustrations. But first I had to bring in some props: The 70th Anniversary Edition of 'Thomas The Tank Engine' by the Rev. W. Awdry, and a pudsey bear ears headband!

And after I finished, I told James to send it to the Children In Need website. But instead, James asked Venture Arts to share it and my family to share it.

And let me tell you that I feel extremely pleased with and proud of myself! Because I have raised a lot of donated Children In Need money!!

Now the reason why Children In Need is a very important charity is because UKE need to raise (donated) money to help ensure every child is safe, happy, secure and has the opportunities they need to reach their potential. It's our mission!

And so, without a single ado, enjoy my Children In Need Idea video!